Create a Layout for Engage Content


When you set up to deliver your first content with Engage, you need to create a layout, which is the template used to build the content on your page. 

Create a layout

Create a layout for the content—this is your content HTML and image content template. Engage layouts work differently than the ones in Recommend.

  • In Engage, every layout will render only one piece of content.
  • Content is eligible to show in a layout based on its attributes.
  • You need to configure these attributes in the layouts. This attribute configuration is called Content Qualification.
  • You need to create and reference at least one layout variable, otherwise your layout will not be returned.

Content qualifications specify what content is eligible for a given layout. For example, suppose you have two-page areas: 960x640px and 480x320px. By default, Engage will automatically show any piece content in any of these two areas, which may not be ideal since images will have different sizes. You can use content qualifications to restrict what piece of content a layout can accept. This way, you configure the first layout to only accept 960x640px images, and the other to only accept 480x320px images.

  1. On the Omnichannel Personalization dashboard, go to Site Configuration > Layouts. The Layouts page is displayed.
  2. Click + Add Layout.
  3. Enter the layout name.
  4. Choose the layout type to Layout Editor.
  5. Select the type to Content.

  1. Every Engage layout must have at least one qualification, a content attribute that must be a certain value for the content to be eligible for the layout. Click Add qualification and enter the name of the attribute and the value that will qualify for this layout. For example, you might want the layout to display content with a SIZE value of 450X190.

  1. Click Add Layout. Once the layout is added, it will be in the list of layouts.

    Graphical user interface, application, Teams

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    The new layout has a green bar on the left because it hasn't been published to production yet.

  1. Click Edit to open the layout editor, where you'll design the HTML and image content template.
    For each attribute that you want to use in the layout, create a layout variable.

  1. Click Save to save any changes you've made to the layout.

  2. On the Layouts page, click Publish to publish the layout to production.

    Graphical user interface, application, Word

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